Thursday, April 4, 2019


We aren't really using this blog page, except as a general community information site (and plot payment/donation link). So we will answer a few FAQs here instead:

Can I have a plot? 
To get on our waiting list, please send an email to with your name, mailing address, phone number, and email address.

You're on Howard Street, right?
No, you're thinking of the wonderful Peterson Garden Project HELLO!HOWARD garden. If you want to garden there, please visit this page:

Oh, you're that cute little garden by the tracks?
No, you're thinking of the charming Dubkin Garden, which is one of the Chicago city park gardens. You can find out more about them by visiting their FB page:

Can I volunteer with your garden?
Oh, YES PLEASE! We love our community volunteers! Please send an email to for more info

Can I pay my garden fees online? How much are they?
It's a minimum of $15 per year to garden at HACG, but we ask that those who are able pay a bit more, up to $75 if possible. And if you can't do the $15, please contact the garden coordinator by email at or call (470) 228-1725; nobody will be kicked out due to lack of ability to pay. If you want to pay online, please click on the PayPal link to the right of this post.

What's up with the boxes on the parkway?
A few years ago, when the Howard Theater community garden was closed, they donated many raised beds to our garden. We have been growing herbs, flowers, and vegetables in them for anyone to enjoy. Please feel free to pick from these outside boxes, but try not to destroy the whole plant. We try to plant things that will grow back and continue producing for the entire season. Everything is raised organically, but of course please exercise caution and wash your produce first before enjoying it.