Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Seedling list for the Spring Plant Sale

WOW! We have hundreds and hundreds of seedlings that will be available for sale on May 14 and 15 at our garden (the corner of Hermitage and Juneway, only two blocks north of the Howard Red Line stop). I thought I'd take a minute to type up a list of the seedlings we have already, so you can start imagining what they will look like in YOUR garden this year!

Stupice, donated by Territorial Seed Co. (early)
Brandywine, donated by Craig Lehoullier
Dwarf Sweet Sue, donated by Craig Lehoullier
Dwarf Emerald Giant, donated by Craig Lehoullier
Speckled Roman, donated by Craig Lehoullier (paste)
Constuluto Genovese, donated by the Chicago Botanic Garden
Abe Lincoln
White Tomesol, from Baker Creek
Yellow Pear (cherry)
Black Cherry, donated by Craig Lehoullier (cherry)
San Marzano, donated by Chicago Botanic Garden (plum)

Sweet Red California Wonder, Burpee (sweet bell)
JalapeƱo, Seeds of Change (hot)
Fish Pepper, collected by Katje Sabin (hot, variegated)
Golden Star Bell (sweet bell)
Anaheim College, Territorial Seed Co. (medium hot)
Ascent Hybrid Hot Thai (hot… we mean it!)

Black Beauty Zucchini, Garden Harvest Supply
Gagat Patisson, Baker Creek
Zephyr Zucchini, collected by Katje Sabin

Russian Red/Ragged Jack, seed donated by Baker Creek
Starbor F1 Hybrid, Johnny's Select Seeds donated by the Chicago Botanic Garden
Scarlet, Seed Savers Exchange
Vates Blue Scotch Curled, Seed Needs

Bright Lights, from Territorial Seed Co.

Bride, from Territorial Seed Co.

Cilantro, from Burpee
Summerlong Basil, from Burpee

California Giant Zinnia, Ferry Morse
Thumbelina Zinnia, Ferry Morse
French Marigold, donated by Chicago Botanic Garden